
The Seven Parables of the Kingdom is unavailable, but you can change that!

I am thankful that Brother Roy Gingrich is adding another book to the large number of books that he has written. This outline commentary on The Seven Parables of the Kingdom adds another volume to the library of books that he has written over the years. His books reflect his dedication to Bible study and his desire to minister to both sinners and saints and they have been used of God to bless...

THE SEVEN PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM (THE SEVEN PARABLES OF MATTHEW THIRTEEN) I. THE AUTHOR OF THESE PARABLES These seven prophetic parables are often called “The Seven Parables of the King” for they were spoken by the divine-human King of Israel (and, someday, of the whole world). So these prophetic parables were spoken, not by a mere man but by a divine-human person who knows the past, the present, and the future and so is qualified to speak with authority in regard to prophetic things. II. THE HEARERS
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